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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 03/15/2007
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
     Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

THURSDAY, March 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension, Saybrook Point


Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and seated all attendant members to vote.

Attendant Members       
Paul Smith, Chairman, Regular Member    
Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman, Zoning Representative      
William Pollock, Secretary, Regular Member
Chuck Wehrly, Alternate Member
Robert MacDonald, Economic Dev. Rep.
Brendan McKeown, Alternate Member
Kimberly Gallagher, Conservation Representative
Robert McIntyre, Planning Representative

Absent Members
Kevin Zawoy, Regular Member

Attendant Staff
Christina Costa, IWWC Enforcement Officer
Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk

           Brendan McKeown arrived at 7:35 p.m. and Charles Sohl arrived at 7:40 p.m.

A.   07-003      Merritt Lane Holdings, LLC.
                             Application for 2-Lot subdivision on 27.55 acres with one existing home.
                              Construction of one new 7.68 ac. residential building lot, extension of existing                                gravel driveway through 100’ wetland review area and installation of  
      underground utilities through
     100’ wetland review area.  No wetlands activity proposed.
                             6 Merritt Lane (Map 52/ Lot 3-1), Residence AA-1 District
                             Accepted:  2/15/07, Open public hearing:  3/15/07
                              Decision by:  5/17/07
                             ACTIONS:  Open public hearing
           David Royston, attorney for the applicant Merritt Lane Holdings, LLC., Jason Ziegler, summarized the application including Exhibit A1,  “2-Lot Subdivision Map” dated 2/1/07 with a revision date of 3/14/07 and Exhibit A2, “Record Subdivision Map” dated 11/8/06.  Attorney Royston mentioned that this application is not for a house but for a 2-lot subdivision.  Attorney Royston also stated that the notice to abutting neighbors and the public hearing signage were in place.
        Joe Wren, P.E, discussed the Commission site walk which took place on March 12, 2007.  Mr. Wren discussed the access entrance over the Town owned “right of way” to Merritt Lane a private residential street, the proposed 12’ foot gravel driveway and a report by Geoff Jacobson, engineer to the Commission, dated 3/14/07.
        Robert Lorenz, an abutting property owner, was the first to speak when Paul Smith opened the public hearing to the audience.  Mr. Lorenz asked questions about the informal site walk and stated that he did not have concerns with the application but encouraged the Commission to protect the wetlands and streams on the property.
        Kate Cryder, 6 Crowley Drive, mentioned that the original house on the property was built without a permit in the late 1980’s.  Ms. Cryder mentioned concerns with the stream that runs through the “sheep pen” and the manmade pond.
        Kim Mullertime, an abutting neighbor,  asked if the driveway over the culvert would be strong enough to sustain the weight of construction vehicles.  Paul Smith said that these concerns would be addressed in the future when a house application is submitted.
        Paul Smith closed the public hearing portion of the meeting when all the audience members had spoken.  Casey Mrachek, soil scientist for the Commission, presented his review of the site and stated that the 2-lot subdivision would not harm the wetland area.  Attorney Royston said that a Conservation Easement placed on the wetland area would be acceptable to the applicant, Jason Ziegler.
        The Commission members continued the application until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 19, 2007, 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshuake Pavilion, 155 College St. Extension at Saybrook Point Park.
IV.     OLD BUSINESS                                    
Sal’s Pizza & Pasta
Proposed minor modification to approved site plan, application #03-026
29 Spencer Plain Road (Map 25/Lot 24-1 & 24-2
Robert Mangino, architect for Sal’s Pizza & Pasta, discussed the proposed 11 parking spaces adjacent to the 100’ regulated area.  Chuck Wehrly suggested “pervious pavers” as an alternative to pavement and Kim Gallagher suggested an additional grass area would enhance the aesthetics of the parking lot. The Commission members agreed the 11 additional spaces would be a minor change and could be handled administratively through the IWWC Enforcement staff.
MOTION  to allow the IWWC Enforcement staff to handle the minor modification, 11 additional parking spaces for Sal’s Pizza & Pasta.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by W. Pollock.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, K. Gallagher, B. McKeown, R. MacDonald, W. Pollock;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  8-0-0

A.      Staff Report
B.      Representative & Subcommittee Reports
C.      Correspondence
Included in Commissioner packets
D.      Approval of Minutes
MOTION to approve the 2/15/07 meeting minutes as submitted.  MADE by W. Pollock.  SECONDED by C. Sohl.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, B. McKeown, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, R. MacDonald;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  K. Gallagher;  APPROVED:  7-0-1
MOTION to approve the 3/12/07 Special meeting site walk minutes as submitted.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  None; ABSTAINED:  K. Gallagher, R. MacDonald, C. Sohl;  APPROVED:  5-0-3

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. until next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension; MADE by Paul Smith; SECONDED by W. Pollock; IN FAVOR: P. Smith,  B. McKeown, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, R. MacDonald, C. Wehrly, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 8-0-0

Next Regular Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Pasbeshauke Pavilion
155 College Street Extension

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis